Week 10 – The End

I maybe on the road to a half marathon, but we are also half way through a marathon celebration of our 50th birthdays.  It all started in early September and will continue in various styles until the 9th of November.  Saturday night was the peak of those celebrations with a “family dinner” that bought both our families together.  While it was great to spend time with the ones you love there is always the shadow of an upcoming 21km run over everything you do.

I had to change the route of my run this week to get the right distance.  I ran past my old high school, my old footy ground and my childhood home.  It felt like a cross between a lap of honour and a funeral cortèg

My last major training run of this campaign yesterday, and in the interest of tapering, was only 12ks. Just 28kms for the week.  Every run I do is still hard work, it certainly hasn’t got easy, but I do feel better, even over longer distances.  A couple of short runs this week, maybe a 4k and an 8k, will see the training over and lead me to the start of the event.  I am confident about going the distance, it’s just a matter of how long it takes, and what condition I’m in at the finish.

I’ve been driving to work, Terang to Camperdown, 23ks, for more than 30 years.  It has only been this week that I’ve realised I would actually be able to run the distance.  I’d have to leave two hours earlier and wouldn’t get much done once I got there, but I could get there.

As many of you would know I’m a numbers man at heart so here’s some for the fans.  In the past four months I’ve run over 450km. That’s Melbourne and back.  Although all this started out as a weight loss exercise I’ve actually put on more the 5kgs.  There’s been one rule I’ve had in the back of my head all this time, When the running stops so does the eating!  Six meals a days can’t continue when I go back to just sitting behind a desk.  This week though, I’m supposed to increase my carb intake even further.  I’m not sure how I’m going to fit it in, but I’ll keep trying.

For a guy who’s never been big on writing I’ve actually enjoyed doing this blog.  It has acted as a distraction while I’ve been running.  Thinking about what happened for the week and how the story goes, has taken away from the pain.

So, if you hear from me next week, you know I’ve made it!


See you all at the finish.


5 days to go.